Summiti u Litvi u 2025. godini
Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova zajedno s Veleposlanstvom Litve u Zagrebu obavještava o održavanju dva najznačajnija gospodarska događanja u Litvi u 2025. godini:
Baltic Miltech Summit is scheduled to take place on May 7-8, 2025, in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The Baltic Miltech Summit is an international defence innovation conference. It convenes NATO and EU policymakers, stakeholders representing the defence and security industry and research bodies as well as the most important players of the local defence ecosystem who explore opportunities to widen their reach and progress in international markets, to discover the latest developments in military technology and their implications for national and international security.
The Summit’s agenda will consist of an international conference, a B2B matchmaking session and a networking event in Vilnius, Lithuania on 7 May 2025. The next day the partner event Live Firing Show will take place at the Pabradė Military Base near Vilnius. It is a unique live demonstration of defence industry capabilities by international corporations and local companies. The most prominent Lithuanian defence innovations will be presented at the on-site exhibition.
The Baltic Miltech Summit is a perfect place for the foreign representatives to see what Lithuania and other Baltic states can offer in terms of bringing added value to the existing value chains and shortening the established supply chains. We, therefore, hope that you will use this unique opportunity to explore the Baltic defence and security industry.
Registration: Baltic Miltech Summit - Register.
Life Sciences Baltics is scheduled to take place on September 17-18, 2025, in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Life Sciences Baltics, the premier life sciences forum in the Baltic region, brings together the best in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and healthcare from around the world. With 33 countries represented and over 1000 participants, the event offers a unique opportunity to engage with top-tier experts and decision-makers, discover groundbreaking innovations, and explore future collaborations.
With over 60 exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations in life sciences and an intimate setting of only 1000 attendees, this event offers unparalleled opportunities for focused networking and collaboration.
This event is a must-attend for professionals in life sciences, healthcare innovation, and personalized medicine. Whether you’re looking to gain insights, connect with new partners, or discover the latest advancements, Life Sciences Baltics 2025 offers a personalized event experience designed for your success.
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